

“I will always extend hope to you freely. This work isn’t always easy, and you may not see progress overnight. But I will always encourage you, and hold hope for you, and your story celebrating both the small and large victories. In the words of my own therapist, “if you don’t have any hope, you can always borrow some of mine.”

For me, it’s not just about mental health, but holistic health.

Together, my husband and I care deeply about all facets of health: as individuals, as a collective, healthy churches, healthy leaders, healthy spirituality, healthy emotions, healthy ways of thinking, healthy ways of eating, overall healthy lifestyles. It is all interconnected and God cares about it all—mind, body, and soul. And trust me, I am not perfect at it, nor do I claim to be, but I do believe in holistic ways of transformation and healing that go beyond the therapy room.

I love God’s church.

I am a born and raised pastor’s kid from a small town in western Maryland. Many people say, “I have church-hurt”, to which I would reply, “yeah, me too”. I hold and understand both the love that can be received in its walls but also the disappointment, hypocrisy, and heartbreak that can occur in its fallen state. But as Jesus loves his bride, and promises to be faithful to her, I too passionately serve my local church, and refuse to stay hurt to a body Jesus calls me to stay faithful to. Therefore, I enjoy holding space for those who have similarly been let down, or burned-out by its people.

Teenagers are awesome.

My husband is the NextGen pastor at Journey Church, our church family.  I am actively involved in his ministry and love the role we get to serve in our students' lives. Teenagers are too often misunderstood and too often feel alone in their own story. My husband and I love to be our students’ advocate; we fight for them, and wrestle in their faith with them. It is such a pleasure and a delight to serve them, and to know them.

Let’s Talk!